Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Arcade - PlayingWithSacks

 oh yeah alright alright Dave wears his shirt with the opening so it means it's time to play more with the set and that means I have to wear it every time we do this what you worry you might notice we're playing a lot of arcade games recently and we'll get to more home console games, but we borrowed a lot from our mutual friend Harris, yeah and we thought we'd tackle them so we can give them back because I'm sure you'll want some again probably does and it's Harris from Boulder players so here in Colorado in Boulder visit well would you like to visit the store I know because it's great anyway we have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the arcade game on a real PCB this time yes yes mash hit the arcade game yes and well let's go on sir corns ok you must apparently yes Michelangelo I have you Leonardo the orange boy alright hey mum alright so oh press start ok you will not see ok you are there ok now the buttons are a little bit back because you are ju mping oh yeah yeah it's lovely you know yeah you will probably jump too many jumps in this game you know every now and then exactly you played this game a lot in arcades uh no i don't think i did uh maybe a couple of times yeah i played it a couple of times as you know i liked it i mean well i think the first real experience with it was on the nes yes and that has like pizza hut signs all over this version i don't expect this i wonder uh yes why not i did i think it came with a coupon for a pizza or something today i really think so i don't know anyone will tell us if i'm wrong i'm sure it's not valid today if you actually found her copy cured that game but the your copy is not complete without it no it was worth nothing oh it tells us to hurry to the door yes but we still have more people or more robots to kill it's like being in a hurry psyche you're acting more ow it's a turtle yes d I should probably stay away from the bullet yes she usually knows she isn't even tied up or something was trapping her

right there well nothing is just making sure you know she was worthy of her by killing the bebop Rocksteady and I think that's behind it now the number at the top of your life bar is the actual number of lives you have and the more credits you have i can ascertain that it only increases them so you have been served a lot of coins so i will go up where you are two turtles if we were playing for the players it would be four turtles in the same way as the same guy how to draw for different scenes how it came on tv what how do they do know we are in front of the shop ok and ritter we are watching that particular TV we are a little busy here yes we killed your minions the game is not logical at all this is a game that never pissed me off that all enemies are exactly the same except two the color the color and the weapons of use every other game is like about this one is so repetitive this one that was i don't know is different a lot of games konami the strength keep on on you and stuff not this come on me arcade games i should say yes but when you own the real arcade board you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want not on konami games really yes this you can mmm pizza thank you kindly random on skis oh we're no longer scrolling right anymore we're scrolling diagonally diagonally it's crazy about the first ever game to scroll like this I don't know but it's not the last look at this guy hiding, sneaky little bastard, let's meet in jail , in jail, this should mean special memory i should be offended thanks you should know it's Bebop isn't it, yeah it's one of those guys that's Rocksteady, I'm not sure what it is, never really Stanley, I think it's a bebop even if we are about to kill him he will come back later in the game yeah awesome so you saw the trailer for that new Ni The nja Turtles movie coming out ah yeah I haven't thought about it much yeah, pop me and there are Rocs ksteady oh god I don't like how they don't have noses anymore hmm they don't look like turtles I don't know I don't know why they changed I don't know it must be a thing not to have a nose

you stay stay in the purple water you know its so hard you can really walk on it is right and i will stay here purple sewer water you can imagine how expensive it would be just to build a robot foot soldier these guys must be loaded with money cause they want to conquer the world so much yeah they really just want hiepro Emile i mean what they want from a really scenic woman apparently so you got the million dollar theme oh i need it oh yeah i need that future so badly but i gotta be kind, I don't need it anymore ok it's sweet now you gotta get in the water too Oh Baxter extra stock man he's not a fly but he doesn't apply until Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles oh yeah on Super Nintendo which was an arcade game that was the arcade sequel to this actually yeah and stay awake much later in that movie yeah its not 3d here well we're in the big apple ok so oh i'm alive again i love eighties mister 82 yeah and early n ovanta really yes to and she went through - then why them why didn't they take April O'Neil's width I'm interesting we have to fight - turtles we bring April and we face why you know take her away somewhere yes i mean she will just her fight harder oh you believe her alone I'm not very good in this family whatever i know oh she just taught me you did something no no i flashed

take that gum i dare you i will give you a dollar alright good luck with that you can get tired stay here for a reason you picked up now it should be noted that the arcade version of this game we are playing here is not powerful enough to have some of the levels that were in the NES version which is really amazing it is not powerful enough where it is simply not powerful at least it is too early they still leave ideas on the board yes with all that graphics missing in the NES version I guess they still have space, ok yes i put some extra levels in that , but this level here honestly feels a little bland yeah I'm not a huge fan of it, I don't like rainbow cars that go in and drive through you pretty funny even though I'm not really complete i mean i just complain because you started it well would you put spikes on your barriers and just cut them push them into the barrier yes how it goes I can't remember I don't think there are special moves similar or whatever in this game not present this no picked up tires yes it can look so cool in a robot let's see this is how i can say i am robot because you can take a tire like five helicopters attack it watch out for the propellers for the helicopters now shooting now would be a little dangerous yes i guess their blades would touch, they would take zeal now this is where we need the jump and this is where these back buttons are not you are doing me a favor i swear i would like a bomb or something yeah yeah never cut there's something alright i'll worry about this foot song bullshit now there's one drop a bomb a couple drop them you see they're different colors so you give different things sure have a big payload of bombs for such a small Mr. Murasaki kick a cowabunga and dang I have a super soaker we laugh at our own jokes yes yes brother has s preced the fucking ban on turtles or whatever a bad reputation is given to female drivers well she is sexy she can do whatever is true the past has done

they are not injured by lasers there what about bodies are immune I guess bullshit there are naked washes we can swear playing with sex you can't swear on the real game set even though Oh I think we can but why didn't you tell me more enemies i need to jump to kill you the problem is he hit him I love to float things at fighting games to beat him surround him like whenever there is like a flying enemy and any kind of beat him just like oh god yes please go cause i dont know if this is a power call this cartoon boy but he might be in it maybe you imagine he would be the rock boy is he the rock boy um I don't remember so i like a world of rock folks you have something like that all that i know it comes from turtles in time yeah but i'm thinking this guy could be him but i can't really tell you i have no idea there are arcade games not powerful enough to render and its likeness or name the bosses for some reason but only they had used a faster CPU hey you can make a point more He doesn't know me Brock might explode I don't know but I have one hundred and fifty nine points beaten which is - thanks Mike total this is the weirdest scoring system I think you are the lowest I don't think it's the number of enemies you have 'I don't know if you get maybe five or two points I don't know he's the one who just killed that guy you got a point I bet you i killed you know these are like 30 points every little theft i'm gonna try to kill one i'm gonna fail oh my god please kill what i don't care go well well i know i only got two points for each one eh please kill that that i'm looking for there goes so you killed 199 enemies even though until 163 it doesn't seem like we fought so many enemies ok we have the elevator every fighting game must have an elevator slope actually since you're going s u a slope you don't know baby but it's true every fighting game every beating it must have something like somewhere you have an elevator whoever here we are trying to be that smart i am mars all i remember is that we actually are went to vegas and went to that pyramid hotel oh yeah i call it a lift that holds whatever colinear you stayed in that hotel no we were just walking through all you will see with the oldest comedy yes it was cool yes

Egyptian women are Freya what's her name yeah it's not like the tip of my tongue our viewers are like yeah we know she might not even be there anymore god yeah yeah that's how Luxor seems to work yeah it's definitely there ok this way rock Oh ok what was the other guy is blue yeah they look very similar though yeah he had a pointed head even though he put his back on eh what an idiot yeah anyway but a lot of the bigger hotels are like gone and they change drill i mean i'm been there for a long time yeah i don't even feel like you always hear a new name in them because i guess a lot of them are sold yes and they do stuff with them but you know how Treasure Island is still there but these have that as a show of pirates in front of it yes no i know its kind of that it was probably expensive to maintain no transportation i liked it well i don't even care but the cool thing about vegas when i was there anyway like most hotels had a porch oh yeah yeah there is a lot of our case yeah and there's singing in front of their arcade there i don't remember it's you oh yeah yeah whatever it is to see something i felt dirty walking in but it was fun that was then that dance Dance Revolution was the thought so it's like three or four of them lined up on Judy's board dancing like an unmistakable pastel that's a Konami game well they had more than just a B game there H Krang praying and just wearing a little painting or the big boy uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uhine is a little pink thing the brain the finished stomach yes the kid everything else is just a student body does not have its function at first except just his armor and wears red shoes with skin armor i know they will why you should dress him up that suit needs this kill yeah i wonder if bosses are worth more than once i got it 178 i went from 177 178 really what's the real t root yes i know fakes get defeated pretty fast whoo might be the real leader alright alright it's not because nobody just did it oh oh wait i bet the one with the human head is he we will find out they both have human heads so I'm wrong one without having entered the

head alright one of them is dead no oh they won in what this down here holds a flight here so we have to look and see which one multiplies one and one of them is dead ok look which one was white i think has a bottom one i can tell they were all what i know i mean damn it is the last look that hits them all eventually we will defeat them and it will start flashing ok let's say you just started doing this but yes no you are right you think there is a slow cut and you will be able to say which ones yes Oh turning the OBD turtle there are only two so we are multiplying yes oh that this must be the senator that is good for me 'i will kill you yes and we did it we wanted we do not know if this is the end or not we will find out defeat shredder you know the drill explodes in hell of techno drones yes must have a heavy dm epilogue pulsing self-destruct there i understand i go for no reason for nothing else i do it is hard it's hard stuff we will start g i'm going the countdown is fine Turtles the arcade game the real arcade game what do you think Dave Lloyd I like it obviously I like it you know we were cheating and doing a lot of continues but it's still fun to play yeah yeah I mean we finished the game in half an hour, i mean it will be shorter for you guys because i will get rid of all the boring things we said before yes its a fun game to play oh yes well credit side i am not used to singing credits for a ' ark yeah usually i just switch to the next game i want to play actually not many games actually i beat arcade maybe space harrier and this one got a dispute yes come to think of it i don't know you never spent quarters no you don't want you don't want I mean you want to play many different games and you only have a limited amount of money exactly so someone will give us a final result I finished fifth I finished third I have to put it first and if condo and fourth d ude put your name I would like to know accidentally put a Janee hmm hi what do you think of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the arcade game let us know and thanks for watching play sax see you guys go ninja go


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