Windjammers - Neo Geo - Playing with Sacks

 hello and welcome to play with sacks and this time let's play pong on the Neo Geo


pong you mean wind gym with joe yeah same thing yeah exactly the same thing slightly fancier graphics fancier graphics obviously you have different moves here and obviously some music unlike the beeboo beeboo which was pong yes yes i played it before wow and of course this time we are playing on my Neo Geo MVS so yes without further ado let's get into the game let's just load it up with 50 not to get it right press start press it one more time ok here we go controls yes ok then with a joystick so you can only see two buttons that work the CMD doesn't do anything yes it's like it's doing everything - but you can't really control yours - yes i've never been very good at this i only have you despite owning the game yes i played it a lot yes right and i remember it was very hard against a computer i'm sure so well they know all the moves 1p vs 2p it's ok to go down i must be even though it says i am expert you will be america , you will be a great scottish t i will be fine alright i will be the italian guy aim high lb over lb today or lb og and we will play on the beach i like cool beach much better than a winner relax lansky ok so come on do the best of five out of seven, match one right, be fast 500 super slow guys of mine

alright so it was close oh alright if I remember these matches are the best two out of three but they will make the best five of the total seven games, little man, you have three seconds to win well only in the south Oh at least I didn't are you out but i'm sad it'll puke over there my shadow is a puddle of its own you're flickering shadows should be easy to read so the B button just seems to puke it that way it's interesting yeah lob oh oh i don't like to die somehow yeah oh ok i'm on the scoreboard yeah no wonder yes the catholic inside i'll throw up alone ok so i won that game so it's yes i'm yuan boy if we do it better five out of seven this could go very fast oh boy mr. Xu I did everything right sorry you're telling the boy will you do the BL b and s Miller from the UK alright or from the UK or the UK we will play on the lawn get ready well so yes there shows you how many points the points yes oh alright so far so good yes for you Dean tide well there are my special moves like Kant fighter moves and stuff like that are weird oh yeah you can make turns and throw the other target for fun is wrong way ok that was completely back oh my god time is up obviously how did I win that they didn't make all the wrong moves because in the end there are a quarter and three quick goals yes there you are Jackson welcome do it's me twice I wanted to shit they don't give you much time in this no oh shit there is an it oh there is that yes it's crazy eh are you really sure dang oh man alright alright zero alright I just got it for fun B this meter H from Japan too Oh therapy yes, this is just like a rriva on the tiled floor dang straight how is that fr isbee is going through the net good idea good question i thought he was slipping on the floor i know exactly i mean it just looks like a sinful line i am not in it yes it goes right through oh yes i cant believe saved that you shouldn't leave me oh man oh gee so these young guys better alright come on stop blocking my special shots if you kept going home he around was like trying to slide towards it but i kept slipping i know here i am

said he didn't split anything the slides are not very accurate Oh it looked like he was going oh in fact I won one I can't believe it oh shit so and actually oh yeah I think you already won five because you won the first two he says no no no no I'm talking about five full games this is just one oh I got you

get ready barrier right in the middle Hugs passer-by ok listen to your advantage just like the lady I like it very slow as slower yes the american guy ideally is anyway oh come on oh my god let me see if I hold on to this for two more seconds oh wow god , I was planning to just stall and let you have it

get ready barrier right in the middle Hugs passer-by ok listen to your advantage just like the lady I like it very slow as slower yes the american guy ideally is anyway oh come on oh my god let me see if I hold on to this for two more seconds oh wow god , I was planning to just stall and let you have it

look what a1 great now let's see if it gives you a bonus stage take yourself yes what should i do i dont know throw the frisbee for the dog no oh i am the dog oh you are i thought you were the frisbee yes good dog i was running to barely right behind him 139 meters not bad so what do you think of the Windjammers on the Neo Geo what do you think I actually like it I mean this is honestly the most time I have ever spent with è and it is definitely fun with two players yes you know with a heightened sense of rivalry as we have yes you know I can see Joe win it doesn't happen often by the way yes what do you think i love it i love it with two players i absolutely love it a superfund we should do it again with my more people agree and uh but as a single player game in this game they can go straight to hell at least i got somewhere complete a bonus game alright thanks for watching sax play


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